Navigating the Modifier Maze for all Specialties Webinar
Recorded Webinar #21-08
Approx. 1 hour Recording
Modifiers are highly utilized. The top modifiers utilized will be discussed:
Definitions, Appropriate Uses, and Clinical Examples:
Modifier 59 & the X modifiers – Does your endoscopy report support a separate site/lesion AND separate technique?
Modifier 53 versus modifier 52 – which modifier to use when a procedure is terminated or reduced
Modifier 74 versus 73 – how is the ASC’s reimbursement affected by these modifiers?
Modifier 25 – Does your E&M visit support a significantly separate encounter on the same day as a procedure is performed?
Modifier 33 versus modifier PT – Does the payer want modifier 33 or PT used for screening or surveillance colonoscopy?
Modifier 26 versus TC – Discuss the difference between each and when to bill a global service.
Modifier 78 – Can GI use this modifier? When would you bill the global service?
Modifier 24- Can GI use this global visit modifier. It all depends upon the reason for visit during the global surgical package.
Modifiers GA, GY and GZ: ABN modifiers. When and how to use them?
COVID modifiers
Presented by:
Kristin Vaughn, CPC, QMGC, QMC, CPMA, ICDCT-CM
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