Births Down Deaths up in U.S.

CDC: Births Down – Deaths up in U.S.
The latest quarterly estimates published by the Center for Disease Control show the birth rates are down by more than two percent this year compared to this time last year. As the American population ages, more and more people are dying of diseases like Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease and Stroke.
The declining birth rates are likely driven by a significant reduction in teen pregnancies, falling nicen percent since 2015. Also as people are waiting longer to conceive and are having fewer children than previous generations.
While deaths from Heart Disease, Stroke and Hypertension are continually climbing, news data is encouraging for some of the most vicious disease that affect younger people.
Seven new treatments for various forms of cancer were approved by the FDA last year. The CDC’s most recent data shows that the rate of Cancer deaths has fallen by nearly two percent in just one year.
Overall, the CDC has estimated that the death ratee for the U>S. has risen nearly five percent just since last year. This supports the widely observed trends that the country’s population growth is slowing.