HIPAA Cyber Alert

The Healthcare Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (HCCIC) published a report dated 1-5-2018 titled
“Recently Publicized Widespread Processor Vulnerabilities”
The report states that most computer processors sold over the last 10 years pose a threat to the protection of
1. Healthcare and Public Health (HPH) sector sensitive data
2. Protected Health Information (PHI) and
3. Personally, Identifiable Information (PII)
This poses a significant vulnerability for healthcare providers. The computer security industry referred to this as the Spectre and Meltdown Vulnerabilities. This allows a malicious computer program to bypass data access restrictions and gain unauthorized access to potentially sensitive information from other programs such as passwords, social security numbers, medical information and others sensitive data.
This security flaw is present in nearly all processors made in the last 10 yrs. and affects computers running windows, mac, Linux and other operating systems.
Vendors are quickly releasing appropriate software patches to mitigate the risk of your processor vulnerability. Patches should be carefully tested accordingly before implementation on your system.





American Institute of Healthcare Compliance, Inc. www.aihc-assn.org